Jewish groups in sixteen nations, who come together under the banner ‘Global Jews for Palestine’ (GJ4L), have published a short but powerful video calling for an end to Israel’s genocide in Gaza and its occupation of Palestine, together with a set of ‘contemplations’ for the Jewish High Holy Days that take place between today’s Jewish New Year (Rosh haShanah) and the coming Yom Kippur, or day of atonement.
The video looks at the war crimes of the Israeli regime and Israel’s theft of Palestinian land since 1948:
The contemplations written by Canadian Sheryl Nestel, reproduced below, have also been published on the website of the UK’s Jewish Voice for Labour, one of GJ4L’s member groups. They take the traditional religious obligations of the ‘Days of Awe’ between Rosh haShanah and Yom Kippur and link them to Israel’s and the world’s crimes against the people of Palestine:
JVL Introduction
Jewish Voice for Labour is a member of Global Jews for Palestine, Jewish organizations in 16 countries around the world standing for Justice for Palestinians and peace for all who live between the river and the sea.
These contemplations were written by Sheryl Nestel of our sister organisation, Independent Jewish Voices Canada, for issue as Rosh Hashona, the Jewish New Year, comes in at sunset on 2nd October and to be considered over the Days of Awe between Rosh Hashona and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement.
As Jews standing with the overwhelming majority of people in the world, although sadly not our governments, we always have to ask, are we doing enough? What will it take? Nothing we do feels as though it is enough while there is a genocide in Gaza, and a brutal military occupation in the West Bank. And now, on top of that and in part a result of the failure of the US and others to bring about the long overdue ceasefire in Gaza, all in that region are at risk of attack, displacement, injury, death and destruction.
Normally we wish people “L’Shana Tova” – for a sweet year. Of course we wish that. We will work as hard as we can for sweetness all over, so that there may be peace for all.
Source: skwawkbox