Organizers: International Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization (IESCO) & IAIS Malaysia
This RTD aims to bring together various stakeholders, including NGOs, authorities, and other key players, to discuss and seek support for our ongoing and upcoming educational projects in the Gaza Strip amidst the ongoing conflict. Given the dire situation and the profound impact of the conflict on education and the general well-being of Gaza’s children, this RTD is crucial in building collaborative relationships to drive impactful initiatives.
RTD on “From Destruction to Reconstruction: Empowering Gaza’s Education”
Organizers: International Educational Scientific & Cultural Organization (IESCO) & IAIS Malaysia
Date: August 20, 2024 (TUE)
Time: 10:00 AM – 1:30 PM
Venue: Conference Hall, IAIS Malaysia
Welcoming Address by:
Dr. Syed Azman Syed Ahmad Nawawi
CEO, IAIS Malaysia
Opening Remarks by:
Prof. Dr. Md Roslan Hashim
School of Physics, USM | Board Member, IESCO
Keynote Address by:
Dr Maszlee Malik
Chairman, IAIS Malaysia
Keynote Speech by:
YB Dato’ Seri DiRaja Dr. Zambery Abdul Kadir
Malaysian Minister of Higher Education
Topic: Contributions by the Malaysian Government in Supporting Education in Gaza
Special Speech by:
Dr. Kamalin Shaath
Former President, Islamic University of Gaza (IUG)
Topic: Educational Reality in Gaza During War
Panel Discussant 1:
Dato’ Seri Ir. Dr. Kamal Nasharuddin Mustapha
Chairman, Humanitarian Care Malaysia (MyCARE) & Deputy President, Akademi Profesor Malaysia (APM)
Topic: The Educational Relief Challenges in Gaza
Panel Discussant 2:
Tuan Hj. Azmi Abdul Hamid
President, Malaysian Consultative Council for Islamic Organization (MAPIM)
Topic: Reconstruction with Integrity: Relief of Education in Gaza
Call to Action: Reconstructing the Education Project in Gaza / Concluding Remarks by:
Mr. Ayman Hussein
Free Registration: bit.ly/gaza_education
Please find IAIS Malaysia’s location here: bit.ly/iaislocation
We look forward to seeing you there!